Ok so I met. My current partner. How
many years ago fifteen years ago. And we were. Really really good
friends for about ten years, we went to uni and we both. Kept in
contact and err. He hated all my boyfriends he thought they weren't
really good enough but never said anything and I hated all his
girlfriends and. Never really said anything about it just knew that
they weren't really good enough. Just in a friendly way. And then in
my finals. Uhm. He sent me funny messages on the days of my exams and
remembered them and which is just really unusual for a boy to do. And
then. I don't know what happened but I finished my exams and I though
I've got a bit of money, I'll go and visit him. And I didn't know it
then. But we spend a really nice weekend in Brighton just. Friendly
not anything else. And as the train was pulling away I just burst
into tears. I didn't realise that I was actually falling for my best
friend. It was quite horrible I didn't know how he felt, at all. So I
went back to uni just. A little bit. Confused and thinking. That's.
New what's. Happening. And I didn't tell anyone. I didn't know. How
he was feeling and I thought. If I told him that might ruin
everything that's the really awkward thing. Then we went to see
Prince. And I don't know what happened at this Prince concert. But it
must have been just the pure power of Prince. The power of Prince.
And err. Two days later. Nothing happened on that evening, two days
later. Uhm. We went out on a night out, me, his best fried who's also
a good friend of mine and I to be honest all of my friends knew how I
felt about him but none of our friends knew. I didn't want him to
find out. And I don't know what happened on that particular night.
But I just. I'd had enough I was too confused. And er I was with his
best friend on the dancefloor Joel had gone away. And I said. I
really. Have a thing for George has he ever mentioned anything to
you. About me. And it took all my courage to get to that point. And
he said. No. And I thought. Oh well. Nothing- I hope he doesn't tell
him. At least I tried. Move on. And then I went to the toilet. Anyway
I came back and Alex has gone so me and Joel were dancing. And. He
just. As we were dancing he just turned around put my hands on his
face and kissed me and it was like the sweetest thing 'cause he sort
of missed and got me like on my top left lip and I'll never forget
it and then. I was a bit stunned. And then he just kissed me again
properly and I thought that's weird that's not what friends do. And
uhm . Completely overstepping the mark we weren't friends that.
Kissed and it was like wow something's happened he likes you. Turns
out while I was in the toilets. Joel. In the- in the thirty seconds
after I'd gone had asked his friend I've got feeling for Thea has she
ever mentioned anything to you. At the exact same moment. And he went
stop taking the piss you two. He thought it was a joke, we'd come up
with a funny joke to. Mess with him. And. Err. Joel said why are you
asking, asking me if I'm taking the piss out of you. And he said
cause she just told me the exact same thing. About thirty seconds
ago. So unbeknownst to me when I came back, he knew. And we're
getting married next year. That was six years ago.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
It's my birthday. Yes and later on
we'll have a little barbecue yes. And then err later on there'll be
like some kind of little surprise from my friend yes? So I don't
really know. Special day. Normally I'm in France with my family,
generally I try and go back there. My name's Marilyn, after Marilyn
Monroe, she was a big fan yeah, yeah yeah yeah. I'm fifty I was born
the year after she died. My favourite film? I don't really know
actually because I've seen the last one actually they made about her
and I think this one is my favourite. You know the one they made
recently, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Interesting she's not the real Marilyn
but she's really like her. Reflecting the Marilyn, 'cause I read her
biography. She had a hard times at the beginning and. My favourite
thing is like eeerrr the image she gave, of herself being happy you
know didn't want people to dig into her past and. She just wanted the
positive this side of herself, she didn't want people to. That's
quite nice people only saw the good side.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Tyson and Vic.
I was stuck in a. Really boring office
job ah. About four years ago. And I met Victoria and then I'd already
planned a trip away for. A year. And I went away for. For the whole.
For ten months we stayed together. Err. When we got back we. er. Set
up a. I set up a business and Vic, Victoria. Quit her job in The City
eventually and joined me in the business ah. And that was about three
years ago and now the business is going quite well and we're working.
And living together. And. um. In between that Vic. Vic got breast
cancer but now she's better. And uhm. Two days ago we got married.
Two days ago we got married. But I left the ring at home because I
had a shower and it, and it scratches my face when I wash my face so
I took it off so that's why I haven't got my ring on. I was wearing
one but it's somewhere safe. On top of the loo.
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Phoebe Mae, aged 6
All animals in the world are so so cute. That's why I love dogs and rabbits as well. As I said all animals well some animals are really sensitive animals or creatures so guinea pigs are really sensitive animals because and they have really breakable legs. In the front and the very back of their legs and. If you can see. If you have got any animals like a guinea pig you wil see. The toes. They and. They have little little big toes and 4 big big front teeth at the front because I said so. So yes let's go again - right. I love all every single animals.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
The Pyramids are an Analogy for Life
I was a young man I was sitting in a cafe in, sort of. Ripped jeans
and I had long, longer hair then. And this old man looked at me and
said why are you dressed like that. And I said to him. Well, you
know. Because it's comfortable. And after that we got chatting and he
said. The meaning of life. There's an analogy when they were building
the pyramids. You see the ones at the bottom are huge, sort of, this
big, bigger you'd have to really climb up them. And that's the
beginning of your life. And then the older you get, the higher up you
get, the stones get smaller and smaller until at the top they're sort
of like little steps. And he said the design was meant as an analogy
for life – it gets easier the further along you get.
Monday, 13 May 2013
The Witch.
the 1800's there was this um. A lady and. The monks thought she was a
witch so. Burnt them at the stake and then. Um. She was buried at the
Priory church then she came alive again. And the. Things stared
happening like. Um. When the she went to church the books started
burning and the candles. Stopped working. And then um so. They. They
put her in a glass bottle and buried her in the Priory church and now
she's there. So you need to. Well no-one's found the bottle yet but
there. Um. So you need to be. Um. 'Cause you. 'Cause her spirit will
open. Yeah.
Friday, 10 May 2013
tell you the story of how I was conned in the street in Brixton. Yes.
So I was errr I guess I was still new in town. And errr. I was coming
back home from a night, night out. Walking back from Brixton and err
I think I was was feeling quite err pleased with myself 'cause
earlier on there was a bit of an incident, where this boy was very
unhappy and I managed to talk him out of erm star-starting a fight.
So I thought I was all very streetwise and in err in business. And
these guys stopped me it was about three or four o'clock in the
morning and he stopped me and he asked me if I had some 50p coins
'cause he needed 50p coins and he he he could give me the money in
pound coins and he showed me his pound coins, and as I was. Taking my
wallet out I thought that's a bit weird this was before mobile phones
but still you'd use 20ps for the phone, telephones not. 50ps anyway
but he was asking and I was looking and I had some 50p coins and I
gave them to him and then he said erm. Thank you. And put them in his
pocket. I said can I have your pound coins instead and he said no I'm
not giving them to you and I said what do you mean, you said you
would. And he said I conned you. I'm not. That's my money now and I
said that's not your money, it's my money, and you said you were
going to give me these three pound coins that you said. Errr. And he
said do you not understand? That's it, I conned you. And if you ask
for it I'm gonna slash your throat and he threatened to take his
knife out. And I was er a little bit afraid at that point. actually.
He was quite a big guy. But also I somehow didn't think that he was
going to pull a knife out. And I. Also thought it probably not a good
idea to check. So there was this strange situation where I stood, I
still stood next to him and. Still. Thought that I-I. Couldn't just
let it go and walk away. And err I said one more time that I don't
understand how he could do that and I-I. Took a cigarette out and he
asked me if he could have one and this, this strange situation where
we then shared a cigarette and a little chat, and I think even a
little, a-a, a little drink that I had in my flask and err. After a
few minutes erm I-I though well ok, it's time to go now and I said
before I left uhm. So do you think I'll be fine walking all the way
from here to Camberwell now at this time you know and he said yes yes
you'll be alright, don't worry, but you know that ten pounds that I
saw in your pocket, keep it hidden. That's the story of how I was
Thursday, 9 May 2013
we can sit downstairs and there'll be noone else in the house and
there'll be doors shutting and people running up and down the stairs
and people knocking on the wall and. Constantly. Oh yeah and I get
poked quite a lot. No, it makes me feel really calm. It's usually when.
Something's gonna go wrong. Not a a massive thing but, something,
might go wrong, there's normally people around me the night before.
And I feel really really. Unusually calm. Kind of ready for.
Whatever's gonna happen I can't explain it. Uhm. What happened
before? Oh one day we had three things happen the dog got away, the
kitchen completely flooded. From the dishwasher and it ruined the
couch as well, but I laughed. I don't know why I was almost prepared
for it. Oh and like we thought it was my daughter as well actually
and um. I came home and it all went on again I don't know, even know
what it was that time, like people up and down the stairs if I shout
can you go away 'cause I've had enough, it stops. But sometimes I
just leave them and they just run about the house whoever they are, I
don't know who they are. And light bulbs explode. I don't want it
investigated I just let it carry on yeah yeah more than they can stay
wherever they want it doesn't bother me. I'm not frightened of them.
I think it's my Nan. I think, I just, I don't know why. It's just a
feeling I get when they're around it's just the same kind of feeling
I got when my Nan was around so. I'm not scared. At all. They can
stay. More can come if they like. I don't mind.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Imogen (A Story And A Song)
is a folk story from. India. And. It's called. A Story and A Song.
And it's about a woman who knew a story and a song and this is why I
think it could be relevant because it's about. Anyway she knew a
story and a song. She hadn't told them for such a long time and
they'd become. Buried in... side her. And. This woman lived with her
husband and one night she'd gone to sleep and her husband had gone
out to work. And the story and the song that were buried inside her
decided that because they hadn't been told for such a long time they
were going to come out of her and take revenge on her. So they did as
she was sleeping this this story came out of her and became a pair of
in the shape of a pair of men's shoes and went to stay by the door.
And the song came out in the shape of a man's coat and it went to
stay by the door. And the woman stayed sleeping she didn't know about
any of this. So when the man came home he saw he saw the. Shoes and
the coat by the door and he said to her, who's coat and shoes are
these he said she said I don't know, they're nothing to do with me.
And he didn't believe her so he got angry with her and they had an
argument, and he accused her of being unfaithful to him. And she felt
very sad and he left for the night and he went to the tree in the uh
in the village. And in that tree in that village at night when
everybody goes to sleep the lanterns leave their homes, go, and make
their way to the tree to sleep. And when they get there they tell
stories and they gossip and erm. On that particular night their, the
lantern from their house was late because they'd had an argument he'd
been up late so he couldn't leave until much later so eventually when
he got to the tree the other lanterns said to him why are you so
late. And he said oh there's been an argument in the house and the.
Other lanterns said why and he said. Because. The woman knew a story
and a song but she hadn't told them for so long that she'd forgotten
them and they decided to take revenge and they came out of her in the
shape of a pair of shoes and a coat and they went to hang themselves
by the door so when the husband came home he saw them and he was
angry with his wife and he accused her although she didn't know
anything about it he said she'd been unfaithful. And. The man was
sleeping at the trees and he heard all this. And he realised she
hasn't been unfaithful so he rushed home and he went to her, his wife
and he said I'm sorry I know you haven't been unfaithful I know what
these, these things are tell me your stories sing me your song. And
she couldn't because she'd forgotten them. They'd left her forever.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Thursday, 2 May 2013
The Cypriot (name witheld)
I was in the army in Cyprus. And. We had. Just been. Asked to leave
the army camp by our superiors and go back to our villages. And to
our towns. And the reason for this was that ah we couldn't do
anything about the invasion of the Turkish army. Ah. We couldn't stop
them taking half the island but we could try and stop them taking
our, our towns. So I went back with fifteen other chaps who. Were
also from our town. And we got into the town and, and the next day
ahm the Turkish army was advancing towards it and this is a town very
near to Nicosia, the capital city. And at, and the Turkish army was
well....organised and tanks and pretty much everything ahm. We. On
the other hand. Were just. With our army gear really. Rifles, machine
guns, pretty much that was it, few grenades. And we had to hold our
town. So in order for the Turkish army not to take the town. What we
did was set up four posts to one side of the town which is the only
way that the army could come in and we would fire all the time.
Constantly at the, uh at the army and this is. Not firing close range
this is firing probably half a mile to three quarters of a mile away.
So as for them not to know who we were. Ahm. How many of us there
was. And in the evening, my what I thought I would do would. Turned
out to be a good idea. we. Myself and another guy had ripped off an
exhaust off a car. Uhm. And got the people to that owned the car to
drive it up and down the road. And we did that to three different
cars in three different parts of the town. And at night. The town is
actually surrounded by fields, it's a very small town it's, it's
almost a big village and at night that noise travels. And there's no
street lights. And the lights were all out in the centre of the town
as well. It sounded like we had tanks in the town. The next day. The
army moved on. And went around our, our town and took the foll-, ah
took the village that was about two miles away from us. So we
actually sa- saved the town. It's a true story. I've got better ones
than that.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
this is a story about loss. It's the first thing that came into my
mind. Erm. When I was seventeen my grandfather died um he was my
Dad's father and his name was Harold. But everyone called him H for
short because. He. Couldn't be bothered for them to say the rest of
his name. And um he used to be a taxi driver, he was very
charismatic. He used to tell a lot of lies but they were kind of
funny white lies like he used to say, he had a finger that was. um.
Black I don't know why how he got it but he used to lie about this,
the reason why he had that, the black finger. Um anyway so he. Died
quite quite suddenly when I was seventeen and I didn't get a chance
to see him before he died. Um but prior to his death every week he
would save up a pounds worth of pocket money for me. Uhm and he.
Would then give it to me in kind of a lump sum when I'd see him. um
and the last instalment that he's saved for me, my grandmother gave
to me after he'd died uhm and I remember thinking that I should spend
it on something wisely but. At the time um a friend had invited me um
to like a foam party at this shit nightclub in Bournemouth. Um. And.
I had the ten pounds in my purse so. In the end like the ten pounds
went on entrance to this horrible foam party and kind of erm like
basically I don't know drinking Bacardi Breezers or whatever it was I
was drinking at the time. And erm I think like. It was a pretty good
night overall like. Ok I hadn't really thought about it up until now
but. I think something that I'll always regret was not spending that
ten pounds even though obviously I'd still have the ten pounds that
he gave me it's just a piece of paper but not spending that piece of
paper on something more significant. And that's what came to my mind.
Monday, 29 April 2013
A Few years ago. Well it was many years ago now, seems so. Um. I was
with this guy. We were quite. Madly in love with each other. And we
used to have crazy adventures. And one night we went to a rave in
Brixton. And in the early hours of the morning. We got married in
McDonald’s in Brixton. With erm. McDonald's. Straws as rings. We
didn't actually get married but. You know. It. It felt like that. And
then we had a honeymoon in Crystal Palace Park on the sphinxes.
That's it.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Wait how long is it supposed to be? As
in? Ok. So I first heard about One Direction in March of 2012. I was
watching SNL, Saturday Night Live, and they were on
it, and I was watching it, and I said hmm, who is that cute Pakistani
so I did some research and I fell in love. So I decided that we were
gonna get married, so I learned his name Zayn
Javadd Malik. And so I wrote them letters every day and I tweeted
them. I told them lots of nice, sweet things. I said you're
Pakistani, I'm Libyan, we could fall in love and rule the world. I
am, I was 20, now I'm 21. He is. One year younger than me I don't
care, I don't care. And I really wanted to go to their concert, but I
was forced to go and see a piece of theatre instead, it was called
Steptoe and Son it was really good I really liked it but I still
wanted to see One Direction. But I got a poster and I got a little
cute little flag. Let's see. What else can I say. I went One
Direction hunting in London. I went. To Primrose Hill that's where
Harry Styles lives. Zayn lives in. He does. Right. I'm really bad I
say really nasty things about Taylor Swift because I really don't
like her, she said lots of nasty things about Harry Styles on
national television. And she did a fake British accent and I thought
that was really rude. um. So I don't like her. um. Sometimes
I watch cute little YouTube videos of them like when they get drunk
on the street and they go to weddings and they sing and I really like
it. And now I'm just waiting to meet them while I'm here and fall in
love then we can get married.
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Um when I started college at the
univer-university of Oregon over in the States I thought I was gonna
be a journalism major. So I applied I took, all the pre-requisites
you have to take the pre-requisites otherwise you cannot take the
major I took all the pre-requisites, and I talked to an advisor and
she said. You are um you got you got straight A's in all your classes
you're don't worry, about getting into the school you applied for,
you'll be fine. I said well should I make a back up schedule for next
term just in case she said no don't worry about it don't worry about
it. So I. Got online and found out I didn't get into the journalism
school. And I was like shit what am I gonna do I have been planning
this it's gonna mess up my entire degree. And I was so frustrated and
I started crying so I called my Mom and she said well maybe it's a
sign maybe you aren't supposed to be a journalist just, just pick
other classes and explore, some other areas. And I was mad and I was
online and I read about a class and I thought it was an architecture
class and I was like. Just like whatever I hate my life right now,
super-dramatic. And the first day of class I went and I'm looking,
I'm like this isn't the architecture building I don't know where I am
right now. Turns out that I was in a theatre arts class. I'd never
done theatre ever before in my life and. I ended up being in a play
in the university and I loved it and I totally fell in love with
theatre and that's why I'm here in London now setting abroad setting
theatre so. Crazy how it all worked out, it was literally a year ago
this happened, a year ago I had no idea what I was gonna do because I
didn't get into the journalism school and now here for two and a half
months with eighteen other people from my department who have the
same passion that I do and it's absolutely amazing.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Ok, upheaval. I. Recently moved from
Yorkshire where I'd been living for thirteen years to London. And I.
I've just had a cigarette so forgive me. And I. Yes so I recently
moved from Yorkshire to London after thirteen years of living in
Yorkshire so I returned back home essentially to London. And. I think
in those thirteen years in Yorkshire I would learn what it was to be
a man. I kind of grow. Err I fall in love. I kind of see the world
from a different vantage point, not just because of the geography of
Yorkshire just. Because I had a greater sense of. You know, I felt a
greater sense of the world a slightly more travelled. Hopefully
relatively well-read ehm. I mean that, yeah so I felt really
powerful leaving Yorkshire then you arrive in London this great
metropolis. Errm. And it felt. It felt great actually coming back to
London. It felt great in that, you kind of feel like the world is
here, amongst you ehm. In kind of the language you hear on the
streets and all the rest of it uhm. But I think my heart still yearns
for Yorkshire. Years for a. Yearns for space, kind of like physical
and mental space. Erm Kind of. Yeah kind of. Remem- yeah I think one
takes for granted sort of after thirteen years what those. That you
invest in relationships. And thirteen years of relationships is a
long time to build relationships. I'm not, not to suggest that one
isn't making new relationships but. Suppose certain relationships are
born out of particular situations like sort of thing. So I'm excited
by new relationships but. Erm. Yeah still raw I mean it's twelve
months. I mean you'd think after a year I would've kind of made my
peace with it but. But there's still something in me that feels like
elastic like kind of. When I'm here I'm happy but I think in that
moment I could go back.
Right. So. I'm Gareth uhm. My story is
that uhm I-I was born overseas in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania ahm and
when I was. Eleven years old my parents uhm. Well. They can't.
Emigrate because they had come from the UK and they'd never planned
to. Settle in Tanzania it just worked out that way. But they decided
time had come and we were to return to the UK I say return. I'd never
been to the UK so this was this was a time my. two Brothers and I was
a was a new a new uh. chapter for us in coming to a foreign country.
We'd always imagined that Britain was a land a wasteland of snow but
where you could get everything there were forever shortages in Dar es
Salaam but we used to get the Beano and the, the Dandy magazines uh
comic and the annuals and the Christmas annuals always pictured a
massive. Christmas pudding with uhm with with uhm loads of snow
around it. So so the im- the idea was that was planted in my head was
that Britain was a cold, snowy wasteland with everything you could
ever want and loads of things on the TV. There was no TV in Dar es
Salaam. Uhm. We left. Probably. The eleventh of December so that was
pretty much the hottest time of the year in Dar es Salaam. It's only
six degrees south of the equator so it was pretty hot. Uhm to fly to
Munich uhm. With KLM and we were then to. The plan was to take a
skiing trip in the Alps. This was a, a treat that my parents thought
would be good for us because we'd never seen snow before. Uhm. Uh.
Things went well until we got to Munich when my Dad discovered he'd
lost his passport. So that made it difficult to enter uhm Vienna
which was our next stop which we were going to do this err skiing.
Uhm we. Had to put ourselves up in quite a dingy hotel where my
younger brother who then would have been seven years old uhm had. A
raging temperature so. We had to take him. He had to be taken to a, a
doctor whilst my Dad had to go to the British consulate to explain
where his passport was. It's extraordinary that he was allowed into
the country without a passport. What made it worse was that in those
days uhm the children were on my dad's passport so. My mum was the
only person with a passport and, of the five of us. Uhm. Anyway uh
David transpired to have German measles bit ironic as we were in
Austria. Uhm and it was decided that we wouldn't go skiing probably
not a good thing to do. No. So we needed to get a flight to the UK
because uhm we were now changing plans and were told things were
difficult it was uhm 19. 73 so we had the uhm er it was not long
after the the six day war in fact. Just. Backtracking. The plane
landed in Cairo. And. we. Had. Tanks. Lining up either side of the
runway. As we pulled up because of course we. The war was in October
we're flying in December. There was a-a Boeing 707 in the colours of
uh erm the American erm. uh.. President uh. And we think it was Henry
Kissinger who was on his sort of diplomacy around the middle east in
those days. Nobody was allowed off the plane unless you were
disembarking in Cairo and soldiers boarded the plane and looked
menacingly at us it was all scary stuff when you're eleven years old
so that's, thats a diversion so erm this is a better story than I
thought it was. So uhm we haha. So we're we're in ah Vienna. Planes,
we can't get a plane there's the, the fuel crisis. Unbeknown to us
the IRA started its uhm mainland bombing campaign in in Britain ehm
and plus there were the inevitable strikes that you got in the 1970's
that made things difficult the other end. So. We were told that the
best bet was to catch er a flight from Venice so we got on the train
from Vienna to go down to Venice and that was a great adventure
'cause I hadn't been on a train before so that, that was that was
great. Uhm. Now er the, the other snag it is that was the the time
the transition when British European airways and BOAC were joined to
become British Airways so we needed a BEA flight uhm. Which was hard
to come by because of the transition. So get the train. Get down to
Venice windswept uhm Venice very exciting to see this uhm amazing
city with with all the canals uhm and er trams traipsing around
Venice to try and get a flight. And not successful. The only place
we're told we're likely to get a flight is in Munich. So we stayed
one night in Venice. Back on the train, back up to Venice. Caught a
flight there took us to Heathrow. When we got to Heathrow you
couldn't leave your luggage anywhere because of bomb threats. There
was the three day week. Uhm also there was petrol shortages so taxi
drivers wouldn't stop for families because they thought they were
only going to get short journeys, they'd only stop for businessmen so
my dad had to stand out on the road and wait for one while my mum and
three of us was hidden behind in an alleyway with all our luggage
when a taxi pulled in we'd all come out and into the taxi and away we
go. Ahm We had to spend about four or five days uhm in London to book
a train to Wales which is where my Dad's from uhm the trains were
short of fuel so therefore they only ran on certain days ahm so you
couldn't just hop on a train and go. It was a bit like a third world
country having lived all my life in a third world country I was
coming to a very cold very desolate third world country where things
didn't work and there were threats of bombs which it didn’t have
back in Dar es Salaam where it was nice and warm and sunny ahm. Not a
good introduction to the UK. So we arrive in Wales on Christmas eve.
Bridgend. Previously my Dad had a Welsh accent they told me, I'd
never heard it. So we arrived in Bridgend ahm and er tramp down the
now then of course this is my Dad's hometown he's from a, a small
village to the north of, of Bridgend called Bryncythin. We spent
Christmas in the Ship Inn in Bridgend and we had to keep quiet. We
were told off by the landlord because we were making too much noise
bearing in mind my brother was seven I was ten ah and my older
brother was thirteen so it would have been a bit boisterous and we
didn't have any presents my mum and dad had to go out and buy
presents on Christmas eve which is always er a challenge a
difficulty. We had presents but we didn't have them with us am so er.
I remember it was a happy Christmas although fraught with the fact
that the pub. Wanted. To erm run it's own. Business of course selling
drinks and whatever and they didn't really want young children and of
course in those days children weren't allowed in pubs like they are
today. Ahm and er we weren't. We weren't. Allowed downstairs. We did
have Christmas lunch how did we manage that? I think it was brought
up to the room. Ah so and then. Uhmm shortly after Christmas day we
then went looking for somewhere to stay in a rented house so on
just before new year mum and dad managed to get us a rented house
and things went well from there. But it wasn't a great, a great a
good story but not a great start. It was a hell of a shock to
discover what cold is. In fact I wore a parka coat all that year.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Duncan Isaac

Saturday, 20 April 2013
Ok. Yeah. Uhm. Hope for a new job
because. Whilst I was on maternity leave. I was made redundant. I've
been a. Dance Teacher for twelve years. Been my life. My identity who
I am and I feel a bit lost without that because now I'm just. A
mother. And. And going to all these baby groups nobody really asks
you who YOU are and what YOU do and what your name is it's all about
your little. Baby your little boy or little girl so. It'd be nice to
get. Just a bit. Of my identity back which is why I'm here doing a
contemporary dance class that I've not done for two years. And. And
it's been the only thing that I've ever wanted to do since I was
about two years old I've always danced. I've. Had. Erm. Years and
years of dance training uhm. And danced professionally and performed
professionally. And then. Erm there's did twelve years of teaching
dance in a local college and that was all. Unfortunately taken away.
To do with cuts and funding and everything which unfortunately is
hitting everyone. And. So hopefully I need to start turning my life a
little bit around 'cause it's been a bit. Depressing since maybe it's
the baby blues or post-natal depression I don't know and. It'd be
nice. To get. Some part of myself and my own identity back. I don't
Friday, 19 April 2013
Uhm this is a story about loss. Uhm.
When I lost my. Grandad. First uhm. First close family member that I
lost and that was 1999. And I was in my first year at university. In
a shared house in London and. He hadn't been very well err. But I
remember distinctly I was ironing and I don't iron very often and I.
My phone went off and err put my iron down. And er had this phone
call from my mum telling me that err Grandad had passed away. And I
remember errr just. Absolutely floods of tears came I remember. Sort
of falling onto my knees. Uhm but fortunately my housemate Nick. Was
there and he. Uhm. He did a great. Housemate thing of pulling me up
and giving me a massive great big hug errr. Which made me feel errr
thousand times better and I can picture myself now at that ironing
board errm with the unfortunate news that my Grandad had passed away
Thursday, 18 April 2013
I come from Trinidad. Ahm to do
nursing. Uhm, I came over, in the very early seventies. Well, October
'69 it's the early seventies isn't it? Yeah. To do my nursing I did
my nurse training and I've been working as a nurse ever since but
I've done. Various training I've worked. All different. Specialities.
I also work at the university. I do some teaching. Uhm at the
university so. I enjoy that side of it very much so. In reality I'm
actually putting the theory to practice and the practice to theory.
Mmm. Yes. Ahm. All the while I been doing my nursing I been doing
other courses like diploma degree. Managing health service. I done
quite a lot of courses and it you know. It. And enjoy working at the
university. Yes I work with the students, who are having difficulty
in placement, they are referred to me, and I go out, to help them,
achieve their competency for whatever, uhm requirement they have. And
bring them into the lab in the school of nursing work with them in a
protected area, Get them practising try to build up their confidence
to go out and do it on the ward. So I do all sorts of things like
teach DLS teach moving and handling skills as well. And have my own
learning group and I love all my students hee hee. I get told off for
mothering them.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
My mother, who. Left England on a
flying boat, Southampton Water, by pontoon. And ended up in Nairobi.
Kenya. Uhm where she got a job. Big adventure because it was the
start of the war. Uhm, wanted to get away from rationing and poverty
and horrible, England and-and the bad weather. Ended up in Africa and
met her. Husband. At the tennis club. And got married out well no
actually had to come home to England to get married. Her family were
so concerned that she might be marrying mmmmm one of. Uhm. Person of
a different race. Is that ok to say. That like that? And then they were
married for fifty years and had a wonderful. Lived out in Africa then
came home to England. Uhm. So that was their big adventure.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Adam and Isabel
Err, I'm Adam, yeah errm and one day I was just having, I, with my Dad, and I was just going for a nice walk in the park uhm for a bike ride. And when we got there. He said. Get on. Some helmets and some protective suits. And then uhm. In the end we were like going on. Tight ropes and. Up in the trees and like, uhm, climbing, uhm, ropes walls and everything. Uhm and then we went home and had a massive roast and then. That's really it.
Isabel: What did the. What did the
police man say to his tummy? You're under a vest! And there's. Uhm.
Why did the boy, boy put lipstick on his head? Cos he wanted to make
up his mind!
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Ok I became Christian when I was quite
a bit younger. But it started when I was five years old. Errr my
mother was very poor didn't have much money, never knew where the
next meal was coming from. And one day I was playing in the garden
and I noticed something in the bush, I said what err is that, and it
was a little budgerigar and I thought he shouldn’t be there in the
garden and we managed to catch this bird put it in a little cage and
went 'round knocking on doors trying to find out who owned the bird.
And we 'ventually found the owner, they were so happy that they got
their bird back we got given a five pound note which in those days
was a lot of money. So it was the first time that I felt God had
answered a prayer. Because he had supplied us with some food and
we'd, something to get on with. And as we got older I realised that
prayer was very important it does actually mean something, and when I
was fifteen I was due to go to college, and I met a girl there at
college, who was a Christian, she introduced me to her church, and I
realised that there was something in this, uhm, situation where you
pray to have a Lord, that you pray to, and would answer, and I
committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ, and since then I have
been a committed Christian. And he does answer prayer, and I can
prove it because there have been so many incidents in my life where
he has been there for me, and err. Yes that's my story.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
my name's Ben I,
I'm gonna tell you a story about hope,
for seven years I ran a,
part-time business I was very bored.
and what I really wanted to be doing
was composing music,
and so when I was nearly forty I
decided to become a student again,
study music,
in order really to get a chance to just
do it,
I'm hoping to finish my PHD and leave,
and proceed as before.
And that involves composing.
Music uuuhm.
In a digital studio in order to
Things that seem to be happening but
couldn't be done.
Because I'm very interested in what
happens when you....
Create the illusion of things
and one of the ways in which we're
doing that.
Aaa little team I've put together is a
thing called Music You Can Walk Inside,
uhm and we use like a GPS or wireless
Um and we create the opportunity for
people to.
Construct your own.
Of a piece of music according to how
you move.
In a space.
And what I'm hoping to do.
My life's work.
The Construction of.
Portraits of places.
Situated there.
Entirely in sound.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Fang Zhou
Ahhhm. I come from China. And. I'm a
teacher. Yeah. And. So. Actually I'm not sure I. What do you want?
I'm visiting scholar. I'm very interesting in UK's culture. Err,
although I, err, visiting law school, but I'm very interesting with a
lot of things er, such as, errr, English culture especially errr
ancient culture. So, err, you know. My major is protection of the
traditional knowledge, this is my major, this is my research point.
So I want to know err how English people to protect their ancient
culture. Such as, you know, old songs, errr, old building, ah, how to
protect that. Yes I'm very interesting in that. Um, you know, er,
from, I think maybe errr. I, I haven't find the most favourite thing
so far yes. For British maybe I interested in the tartan, from
Scotland, tartan? Yeah. But I'm not idea about England. I haven't
find uhm you know materials to research I just find you know yeah
Scottish government to enforce some act to protect their, ancient,
tartan design, and then uhm make the gesture to give the designers
maybe give them, give them some prize. So if somebody, uh want to use
their design, maybe they will pay. I think it's good, I think maybe
Chinese can, can learn from it, I think, yeah.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Errm, I went here from Germany to
Southampton it's, yeah, something, yeah, it's a story of hope I think
because I am wanted to, err, work here in the lab, what I'm actually
doing here now at the moment, I'm here for six weeks, and I wanted to
learn some new methods and some new techniques here in the lab, just
to, get some more experience, uhm, yeah, experience that I know how
to work in the lab, 'cause I'm erm, studying in Germany, and I don't
have much of a experience, ex-experience in the lab, I just sit in
the lectures and I get more theoretical, I'm a bio-medical scientist.
So in Germany it's called molecular medicine but you can compare it
to biomedical sciences which you can study here. Yeah and that's why
I came to Southampton doing for six weeks, here.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Loss. Right. Being small, primary
school kids. Singing. Carols at the end of the year you go to high
school. You. Get into a different values system and you start
thinking, we don't sing any more. The first thing you do after exams
are done, you go home. But at least. The year's still long then you
go to uni. Where you have classes you have classes to attend you, but
there's no-one forcing you to attend class. So you go. And what you've
done. Since primary school that thing you enjoyed so much singing
with your little classmates, it doesn't happen anymore. You started
wondering what about it is, what about it is, at, at, at whatyoucall
it at Uni, and then one day you sit back and you realise what it is,
I've lost all of that, what happened, when have I become so...what's
the word....sooo....when have I lost that sense of awe and that sense
of fun being with others, singing Christmas carols. Now I'm here, I'm
still happy I drink beer at least now, but. The point is. How have I
lost that and how do I get that back.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Greg: Edinburgh
There's this amazing place down in
Wales where an architect has created a, something like a hobbit
house, which is quite, low and, looks like, amazing, stylish, made of
err, the equivalent of 30 trees, but they're all sustainably
grown,like, Cypress trees and, so they're quickly growing they're
it's not like cutting down, it's literally cutting down like, erm, so
it's not going to be a big impact on nature surrounding.. The cost to
the people is like two thousand pounds and you, you basically
substitute something like uhm, a mortgage for this option, costs you
for an entire lifetime basically hundreds of thousands of pounds to
buying a house, and, and it's quite DIY friendly (laughs) like you
can make it yourself basically, if, erm, as soon as you erm, you
know, have access to the land and then trees basically the Cypress
trees then obviously don't go for oak trees or something like that,
will save so much money and you can keep your animals there you, you
can farm your land and create some, some sustainable life culture
for, so it's quite, er, a great initiative that's been that comes
from Wales basically, yeah so they live there already, they have a
family, a small family like two three children, the husband and wife.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
The Flower Seller
A'right well...about eleven o'clock in
the morning on my eighteenth we all woke up, went down the pub,
drinking, carried on 'til about seven o'clock. And we all went out to
Bromley, carried on in Bromley 'til about eleven started, taking a
few, hard drugs. Smoked a joint. Next thing I know I wake up at five
in the morning in hospital on the drip. Completely washed up. All
needles going inside me. That happens though dunnit? Pretty much
Friday, 5 April 2013
Right, erm, my friend Laura, she's from
Nottingham, and she loves that she's from Nottingham she's like
Y'ALRIGHT BABES and, and I, I just, I moved here two years ago and
now people don't know I'm American, and every time I talk to people
they're kind of like, oh where are you from, like Ireland, Australia,
I'm like, I'm actually American actually, so it's funny. I mean I can
talk like THIS and everybody's like oh my god you're so American but
you know, I don't talk like that any more, I don't like that voice, I
like talking like I like to talk. And all my friends are like from
the Midlands or like, Northern, so I have a weird twang like that. I
really don't know why uhm, yeah. And like every time I...call my
parents or call my friends at home they're like, ohmygod you sound so
British RAHRAHRAHRAH and I'm like, I don't think I do, I think I
sound normal, I don't think I sound like anyone but me but. I guess I
sound like, from like, Lancashire, I dunno. Errhm, my voice, I like
my voice, that's kind of a weird thing to say.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Phil and Liz
Liz: When we were young, when we were
married and we had two children, we belonged to religious cult. And
one day we decided to leave. And so we didn't tell anybody at all.
And we collected the children and we had an old VW bus, and we just
left. And disappeared.
Phil: And errr we ran away thinking God
would strike us down -
Liz: - because that's what they told us
Phil: - the amazing thing was
afterwards we found that God didn't exist, it didn't matter.
Liz: A..huhuh..after that we totally
gave up religion. And we think the world would be a much better place
without it.
Phil: That was the best thing we ever
did in our life.
Liz: In Chesterfield.
Phil: In Chesterfield, in err. -
Liz: We were -
Phil: - in Derbyshire.
Liz: - 23.
Phil Yeah. We were born into it.
Liz: We grew up there.
Phil Lots of our family have never
spoken to us since. And that was fortyyyyy....four years ago.
Liz: It's the best thing we ever did.
Phil: Yeah
Liz: And we've had a great life.
Liz: You see them, the ladies wear
headscarves and they often wear denim. Quite long clothes.
Phil: Yeah. They claim to be Christians
but if you disagree with them by a hair's breadth they will never
speak to you again.
Liz: You're out.
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